Although the Second Amendment establishes the right to keep and bear arms, each state has its own laws detailing the protocol for gun use. California is known for having some of the strictest gun regulations in the country. California, once again has proposed a new batch of proposed gun laws aim to impose even harsher restrictions.

Over 20 new gun laws are now being considered in California, one of them aiming to further restrict the sale of guns in California. Under Senate Bill 915 (SB-915), gun sales would no longer be allowed on any property owned by the state of California – even if the property is being leased or used by a non-government organization. Violating SB-915 would be considered a criminal offense.

A similar bill was proposed in California once before but was refined to only ban the sale of firearms at the state-owned Orange County fairgrounds. SB-915 attempts to expand the prohibition on the sale of guns to all 73 of the fairgrounds owned by California. These locations have been popular spots for gun shows, but SB-915 aims to change that.

California is also considering outlawing ghost guns. Ghost guns are usually purchased through kits and then assembled. Because of the DIY nature of ghost guns, they don’t have serial numbers and can’t be tracked, which is why California is aiming to eliminate them. The Supreme Court is considering whether a similar law passes constitutional muster.

Currently, California requires background checks for ammunition and gun sales and transfers. Certain classes of weapons are also restricted, including assault rifles and military-grade guns. These laws are currently under review at both the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court of the United States. 

Additionally, California prevents you from gun ownership if you’re under a restraining order or you’ve been convicted of a hate crime or other violent crime. 

Your rights to own, possess and use a gun are under constant attack by the State of California. Many of California’s gun laws are under attack for violations of the Second Amendment. Due to the legislature’s constant attacks on the Second Amendment, your rights and obligations are constantly in flux.

California has over one hundred active gun laws. If you’re a gun owner in California, it’s essential to keep up with the state’s gun mandates to ensure compliance. If you violate any of California’s gun regulations, you could risk losing your permit to carry a gun and face fines and other criminal penalties.

At Strategic Law Command in Roseville, our defense attorneys can walk you through California's gun laws and how they impact your right to carry or represent you if you are facing a weapons charge. To schedule a consultation to discuss your case, call 916-787-1234 or contact us online.